What oil to use in your wok?

Your guide to oils with high smoke point

What oil to use in your wok?

People ask me all the time: what is the best oil to use in my wok? It’s a great question, because oils aren’t all the same. They have different attributes and the big ones that are important for wok-cooking are affordability, flavour and smoke point. Decisions around these also have to do with how and what you are cooking… and if this is starting to sound complicated, let me assure you it’s not! It’s easy. Let’s delve.

What are the best oils, flavour-wise, to use in a wok?

Generally, I like neutral-flavoured oils, as I don’t want extra flavours competing with the ingredients in a dish. Coconut oil is an example of an oil that can really make its presence felt! The exception to this is sesame oil, which has a very distinctive taste and sometimes, it’s exactly what I want. I love the flavour of sesame oil.

In general though, I use oils like canola, peanut or sunflower as they have a neutral flavour that blends in with ingredients like soy, fish or oyster sauce, commonly added to stir-fries and other Asian-style dishes. They’re also really affordable. You don’t want to spend a fortune on oils for wok-cooking.

OK, so what exactly is the ‘smoke point’ of an oil?

Right. The smoke point of an oil is literally the temperature at which it will start to burn.

  • The smoke point of an oil is literally the temperature at which it will start to burn.
  • If an oil reaches its smoke point, the compounds it contains start breaking down and the oil gives off acrid ‘off’ flavours.
  • Some oils have high smoke points, others have lower ones.
  • As a lot of wok-cooking involves stir-frying, you need an oil with a high smoke point that can take the high heat required.
  • If you’re not stir-frying and therefore not cooking over super-high temperatures, you can use an oil with a slightly lower smoke point, such as sunflower.
  • Examples of oils with high smoke points are avocado, canola, vegetable and peanut. Olive oil and sesame oil have low smoke points; when using sesame oil, I tend to use it at the end to season a dish.

What oil to use in your wok?

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